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"Crisis at Elder Rock" is the 30th episode of the second season and the 70th episode overall of Craig of the Creek.


Tragedy strikes the Creek when the Elders get trapped under Elder Rock, and it's up to Craig, Kelsey and J.P. to rescue them.


The episode opens with Craig running down the stairs, carrying several jump ropes. At the bottom he turns and runs into Nicole, his mom. She then asks him why he's in such a hurry, and for the reason he has all the jump ropes. Craig says he's just going to the creek, and Nicole asks if she should be concerned. Craig says no, and Nicole then mentions she doesn't want to have to go down to The Creek if Craig gets hurt. Craig says it's just for playing, Nicole sighs then gives Craig a forehead kiss, saying she trusts Craig to stay safe. Craig then says he'd never do anything dangerous at the creek.

Scene cuts to Craig hanging upside down in the air, jump ropes tied around his waist. Frantically telling Kelsey and J.P. to pull him up. They manage to get Craig back up, then the piece of cliff Craig was just on falls down, landing nearby the 10 Speeds. Kelsey asks him if he got what was apparently stuck in the hillside. Craig did, and opens the small box. Craig pulls out a pair of light teal balls, all three of them exclaim "it's balls!" then are confused by the fact they're just balls. J.P. and Kelsey make guesses on what they are, and Craig blows some dust off the box, revealing a 2002 copyright date. Craig then mentions he knows where to go to ask about what they are.

The three protagonists are then in front of Elder Rock, and Craig taps his staff against the ground. Calling out; "Great ancient wisdom is what we seek, so we call upon you, the Elders of the Creek." Upon no response, Craig is confused. Kelsey mentions the hole that served as the entrance to under the rock, didn't seem to be there anymore. J.P. gets on the ground and tries to shove his head into the hole, of which was too small now. Kelsey mentions that she can check what's going on inside as the elders normally livestream their Goblins and Grottos game around this time.

The live feed starts with Elder David huddled by Elder Barry, telling the other elder he's so cold. Elder Mark sits by himself on the other side, mostly out of camera. The empty chatbox pings as Kelsey's join registers, and Mark quickly says that there's a viewer. David exclaims that the chat is blowing up (it wasn't) and grabs the phone, shoving his face in the camera. Barry shoves David away to get into frame, and reveals they're trapped under Elder Rock and asks for help. David butts back in and says to "like, comment, and save us!" The Stump Kids are surprised at this, then Kelsey comments on the feed that they're outside and the elders should come to the former entrance hole.

David seems to be shoved by Mark off-screen, then Mark peeks through the small hole. Mark incorrectly addresses Craig, Kelsey, and J.P. as George, Elaine, and Kramer. Craig asks what happened, and Mark explains that during a conversation about My Hoagie Academia and its merchandise, replica swords were drawn and during the fight the rock fell lower, causing the entrance to the hollow space below to get too small to enter or exit. Craig asks how long they've been stuck in Elder Rock, and Mark reveals its been five days. Barry says their food supplies is down to ten bags of shrimp chips, and J.P. dismisses it, pulling out the balls for the elders to tell him what they are.

David shoves Mark out of the way, and sticks his arm out of the hole to grab the balls, which he calls Coolshigi Orbs. He does a small trick with them, rolling them around his fingers, before accidentally dropping them as Kelsey understands this situation is bad. She says they need to call someone, specifically Nicole as Craig's mom is home, and Craig immediately tries to shut down the idea of calling parents. Saying nobody is hurt and they have plenty of shrimp chips (which he reinstates after Barry says there's only eight now). Kelsey protests in the fact that the elders are literally stuck under a boulder, of which in response Craig explains how bringing a parent into this would make adults see the creek as dangerous and not a safe place to play.

Craig tells Mark they're going to help, and Mark shoves his Digital City employee shirt outside, telling them to cover his shift if they really want to help. J.P. takes it and leaves, knowing as he's the tallest of the three kids he should do it. Craig pulls out a blueprint journal to come up with ideas. Craig and Kelsey start with trying to dig under elder rock, asking the Elders if they can dig from their side too. Mark says there is nothing that could be used for digging, but Barry mentions a shovel, of which Mark exclaims that it is a replica shovel from hit anime Shovel Master Gorobi-Q, and he could never use it as a real shovel. Barry asks Mark if the shovel or getting out of there was more important, and Mark, with distaste from Barry, kisses the shovel, while David shushes Barry saying "they're having a moment."

When Mark stops, he gives in and says they'll help as a couple (they being Mark and the shovel). Back outside, Kelsey hits rock while digging. Back inside, Mark, jams the shovel right into the rock, already asking Gorobi for forgiveness. The shovel bends and curls, causing Mark to yell and lay down in despair, and seen when Kelsey checks the live feed again. Barry says the anime wasn't even that good, and it snaps Mark back to angrily ask if Barry's serious. Kelsey says to Craig that they should call his mom, of which Craig says no, he had another idea.

Scene cuts to J.P. skipping by The Trading Tree, where Kit asks where he's going, where J.P. responds with he's going to cover Elder Mark's shift at Digital City, and that the elders are trapped under Elder Rock and may never get out. Kit is reasonably slightly alarmed, noting it as dangerous, but then just decides to watch the livestream on her phone, and J.P. heads off. Scene cuts to Craig and Kelsey trying to jump onto a log to toss the rock up like on a seesaw, which fails. Kelsey says they need to call Craig's mom, but Craig keeps trying to prevent parental intervention.

Under the rock, Mark has made a memorial shrine for the shovel, and they're on their last snack, which they roll d20s for who gets it. David rolls highest, but Barry says he should get it because of his survival skill bonus, and Mark then says he should get it because of his charisma bonus. David tries to fight Mark for it back, arguing he's just going to add it to the shrine, which Mark confirms himself, saying he cares about it more than them, while kicking at David. Mark's boot makes contact with David's helmet, hitting it off his head, and David glares at Mark, before pouncing on the other teen while simultaneously knocking down the shrine. Barry tells them to stop, but David and Mark are on their hands and knees, each having an end of the snack between their teeth, growling like animals. David starts to bite it, pushing forward until he headbutts Mark (unseen but assumed by the sound), and the scene cuts to Kit and a few other creek kids watching the stream on their phones, betting on what's going to happen.

Back with J.P., he's on a tricycle riding down the sidewalk, talking about traffic he's not even in and then pretends to be listening to a podcast. Craig and Kelsey try putting a flattened raft into the hole, and inflate it enough that the elders can get out through the area around it. David and Mark are licking the crumbs off the ground, with Barry saying there's only dirt left and to stop. When Craig and Kelsey start inflating the raft they do stop, looking up as they see the light of day again. David, in his excitement, runs up to be first out. Mark, being selfish, grabs David by his shawl(?) saying he should be first. David pushes forward, his shawl breaking away from his neck, and he stumbles his helmet's horns into the raft, popping it. Craig and Kelsey watch as the raft and air pump fly away, and Mark pops up thinking he's free, before the rock falls back down.

Craig frantically says he can come up with another plan, and Kelsey stops him by grabbing his purse. Saying it's over and she's going to call his mom, pulling Craig's phone out of the bag. Craig says no, she doesn't have the authorization to do so, and Kelsey forces him to unlock the phone with his thumb. Scene cuts to Nicole at Digital City, picking up the phone. Kelsey says its her and not Craig, but Nicole can't hear her over the music in the store. Nicole asks an employee behind a speaker if they could turn it down, but upon them dropping the speaker Nicole recognizes J.P., who offers her his employee discount.

Mark addresses the chat, now active from viewing creek kids (many saying the situation looks fake), saying this would be their last stream and acts as living humans. He then starts to list new subscribers he'd like to thank, the most obvious username being Candy Bobby's. Craig gets an idea, and calls down into the rock to ask the elders for the camera. Upon grabbing it, Craig addresses the viewing kids, saying while it is funny to watch the elders bicker and fight, they needed to come together and help them, and how everyone plays differently, how if someone's in trouble others should help. During the small speech, we see Kit and Bobby, the Sewer Queen and Sewer Kids, the 10 Speeds, all slightly emotional. Going back to Craig, he exclaims that if they don't help, parents are going to come to the creek, see the weird and dangerous stuff kids do, and then everyone's in trouble.

All the characters mentioned above (along with the Muddy Buddies), show up to help. At Digital City, Nicole is angrily talking to an adult employee about J.P., a child, working there. Asking how could they hire a child, then demanding his employee discount and guiding J.P. away. At the creek, everyone is putting another Craig plan into action, which included kids prying the rock up a little with sticks and long-handled items, tying jump ropes to the rock and 10 speeds' bikes, then riding away from the rock to lift it like a pully. This time the plan is successful, and the kids add more rocks under the boulder before dropping it back down. Craig offers a hand down to the elders, now that the entrance was big enough for them to leave.

Once outside, the surrounding kids squeeze their noses shut and are grossed out by the elders' smell, and Mark thanks Craig (once again calling him George), for saving them. Kelsey looks back down at Craig's phone, hearing Nicole on the other end again. Nicole asks if everything is alright, and now with there being no problem, Kelsey does an impression of Craig to respond that everything is a-okay. Nicole is fooled but asks if Craig is catching a cold, then mentions that she ran into J.P. and he wanted to tell them something. Craig and the elders look at the phone as J.P. says that Mark is fired. Mark simply goes "whelp... back in the hole" and the credits roll, with the music being what was played during the saving of the elders instead of the normal tune.






  • Digital City is likely a reference to Circuit City, an electronics store chain that went bankrupt in 2009 before a revival as an online retailer in 2018.
  • Craig's dream journal reappears in this episode. The last time it appeared was in "Deep Creek Salvage".
  • Coolshigi Orbs are a reference to the As Seen on TV product Fushigi Balls.
  • A figure that appears in the episode resembles Utsuho Reiuji from the 11th Touhou game Subterranean Animism.
  • Mark addresses the Stump Kids as George, Elaine, and Kramer, three of the protagonists from Seinfeld.
  • Mark mentions an anime called My Hoagie Academia, a reference to the Shonen Jump manga and anime My Hero Academia.
  • Mark says his shovel is a replica from Shovel Master Gorobi-Q, which was actually made up by storyboard artist Ashley Tahilan for the episode.

ve Episode list
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 "Itch to Explore" • "You're It" • "Jessica Goes to the Creek" • "The Final Book" • "Too Many Treasures" • "Wildernessa" • "Sunday Clothes" • "Escape from Family Dinner" • "Monster in the Garden" • "The Curse" • "Dog Decider" • "Bring Out Your Beast" • "Lost in the Sewers" • "The Future is Cardboard" • "The Brood" • "Under the Overpass" • "The Invitation" • "Vulture's Nest" • "Kelsey Quest" • "JPony" • "Ace of Squares" • "Doorway to Helen" • "The Last Kid in the Creek" • "The Climb" • "Big Pinchy" • "The Kid from 3030" • "Power Punchers" • "Creek Cart Racers" • "Secret Book Club" • "Jextra Perrestrial" • "The Takeout Mission" • "Dinner at the Creek" • "Jessica's Trail" • "Bug City" • "Deep Creek Salvage" • "The Shortcut" • "Dibs Court" • "The Great Fossil Rush" • "The Mystery of the Timekeeper" • "Alone Quest"
Season 2 "Memories of Bobby" • "Jacob of the Creek" • "Return of the Honeysuckle Rangers" • "Kelsey the Elder" • "Sour Candy Trials" • "Fort Williams" • "The Other Side" • "Summer Wish" • "Turning the Tables" • "Kelsey the Author" • "Council of the Creek" • "Sparkle Cadet" • "Cousin of the Creek" • "Camper on the Run" • "Stink Bomb" • "Evolution of Craig" • "The Haunted Dollhouse" • "Craig and the Kids Table" • "Creek Daycare" • "Sugar Smugglers" • "Sleepover at JP's" • "Tea Timers' Ball" • "The Cardboard Identity" • "Ancients of the Creek" • "Mortimor to the Rescue" • "Secret in a Bottle" • "Trading Day" • "Crisis at Elder Rock" • "Kelsey the Worthy" • "The End Was Here" • "In the Key of the Creek" • "Children of the Dog" • "Jessica Shorts" • "Ferret Quest" • "Into the Overpast" • "The Time Capsule" • "Beyond the Rapids" • "The Jinxening"
Season 3 "The Other Side: The Tournament" • "The Ground Is Lava!" • "The Council of the Creek: Operation Hive-Mind" • "The Bike Thief" • "Craig of the Beach" • "Plush Kingdom" • "The Ice Pop Trio" • "Pencil Break Mania" • "The Last Game of Summer" • "Trick or Creek" • "Fall Anthology" • "Afterschool Snackdown" • "Creature Feature" • "King of Camping" • "The Rise and Fall of the Green Poncho" • "I Don't Need a Hat" • "Alternate Creekiverse" • "Snow Day" • "Winter Break" • "Snow Place Like Home" • "Breaking the Ice" • "Winter Creeklympics" • "Welcome to Creek Street" • "Fan or Foe" • "The New Jersey" • "The Sunflower" • "Craig World" • "Body Swap" • "Copycat Carter" • "Brother Builder" • "Jessica the Intern" • "Capture the Flag Part 1: The Candy" • "Capture the Flag Part 2: The King" • "Capture the Flag Part 3: The Legend" • "Capture the Flag Part 4: The Plan" • "Capture the Flag Part 5: The Game"
Season 4 "The Legend of the Library" • "Locked Out Cold" • "Beyond the Overpass" • "Sink or Swim Team" • "The Quick Name" • "The Chef's Challenge" • "The Sparkle Solution" • "Better Than You" • "The Dream Team" • "Fire & Ice" • "Chrono Moss" • "In Search of Lore" • "Opposite Day" • "Adventures in Baby Casino" • "Creek Talent Extravaganza" • "Dodgy Decisions" • "Hyde & Zeke" • "The Anniversary Box" • "Lost & Found" • "Grandma Smugglers" • "The Champion's Hike" • "Bored Games" • "Scoutguest" • "My Stare Lady" • "Silver Fist Returns" • "Craig to the Future" • "Craig of the Street" • "Puppy Love" • "Galactic Goodbyes" • "Back to Cool" • "The Jump Off" • "The Cow-Boy and Marie" • "The Cursed Word" • "Craiggy & the Slime Factory" • "A Tattle Tale" • "Craig of the Campus" • "Wheels Collide" • "Bernard of the Creek Part 1" • "Bernard of the Creek Part 2" • "Left in the Dark"
Season 5 "Who Is the Red Poncho?" • "The Once and Future King" • "War of the Pieces" • "A League of Maya's Own" • "The Cheese Stands Alone" • "The Team Up" • "Putting Together the Pieces" • "Heart of the Forest Finale"
Season 6 "Rise and Shine" • "Sleeptalk JP" • "Toman's House" • "Whose Dimension Is It Anyway?" • "Dude, Where's My Bobby" • "Slumber Party" • "The Elders of the Creek" • "JP's Bucket List" • "The Little Warrior" • "See You Tomorrow at the Creek"
Movie Craig Before the Creek
Shorts "Craig of the Car" • "How Was Your Day?" • "The Williams Family Opening Theme Song" • "How to Map the Creek" • "Creek Kid Rap"