Craig of the Creek Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "Creek Daycare". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Craig and the Kids Table" Next: "Sugar Smugglers"
Creek Daycare Gallery Transcript
Speaker Dialogue
Kelsey Drink in the wax paper, my chariot.
Craig Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late. I brought a special guest to the creek today, Jessica!
Jessica I also brought a special guest to the today, nobody. It's just me.
Kelsey Welcome, littlest kin of Craig.
JP What's the special occasion?
Craig Well, my brother had to work today, and somebody needed to take care of her, so I volunteered. [ Whispers ] I tell you, she's a handful. It took forever just to put on her shoes.
Jessica I told ya, I can tie my own shoes!
Craig But this is the creek. Your shoes need to be quadruple-knotted for what we are doing today.
Kelsey and JP Grass sledding!
Kelsey Ready?
Mortimor *Chrip*
JP Go!
("Kelsey and JP start sliding but both fall.")
JP Okay, your turn.
Jessica I am not doing that.
Craig Well, that's what we're doing today and I'm your older brother, so you have to listen to me.
Jessica No...way...Craiggy...boy.
Craig Ugh, fine! Then I'm taking you to daycare.
("Cuts to the Creek Daycare (location).")
Craig Creek Daycare! where kids bring their brothers and sisters if they're too little to hang out.
Kadesha Yay, yay!
("Lil' Chris hits the ground.")
Lil' Chris [ Grunting ]
Nathan [ Snorts ]
Jessica Craig, these are babies. I'm gonna be in first grade.
Craig And I'm gonna be in fifth grade, so you gotta listen to me.
Craig Angel!
Angel Oh, hey, Craig!
Craig I'm here to drop off my sister, Jessica.
Jessica Hello.
Angel Well, welcome, Jessica. It's so nice to meet you. You're going to have lots of fun here.
Angel Okay, so I'm going to need you to fill out these forms. I'll need your name, number, pronouns, uh, any allergies your sibling may have, and your preferred excuse if they get into trouble and I need to call your parents. If you can't think of one, I can make one up. I'm very creative.
Sick Kid Um, excuse me, Angel. My legs have become bubble legs.
Angel Bubble legs? That sounds -- oh! Oh, my gosh!
Sick Kid It's really itchy.
Angel Yeah, 'cause it's poison ivy! How did you get into poison ivy? Uh, okay, don't worry, it's not your fault, okay? Whatever you do, don't scratch it. Don't touch it. Don't touch anything.
Angel Craig! Craig, can you do me a favor and watch the kids for me? I have to get this kid some calamine lotion -- stat!
Craig Uh, I-I don't know, we were going to--
Angel Oh, come on, Craig. You're so good with kids. I mean, look at how uninfected your sister is. You're such a great older brother.
JP Uh-oh. They've unleashed the compliments.
Craig It's true, I have kept her alive for a whole 15 minutes. You know what? We can take care of these kids, no problem.
Kelsey So much for grass sledding!
("Kelsey throws the sled in anger.")
Craig So...I'm Craig.
Jessica I'm Jessica.
JP You can call me Daddy.
Kelsey And I am your fearless leader, Kelsey.
Nathan [ Snorts ]
Craig I guess they're shy.
Kadesha I'm not shy! I'm Kadesha. That's Nathan, he's Boogery, that's Lil' Chris, His dad's big Chris. Here's Gurpreet, she's sleepy. And why's the new girl standing with you? She should be over here with us little kids.
Jessica No, I shouldn't, I'm a big kid!
Kadesha Not you, I was talking about the little girl with the bird.
Kelsey Who me? How dare you? I'm way older than you! I'm old enough to be, uh, your older sister!
Craig Hey, let's take it easy. These buds are little. And we're going to be taking care of you today. What do you wittle busy beetles wanna do first?
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris wanna pound that one!
JP [ Gasps ] Me one?
Craig No, no, no! No pounding at all. What if we just play a nice engaging game of...
Craig peek-a-boo-baby! Peeky-pooky! Peek-a-boo baby! Peeky-pooky-peeky. Peeky-poopy!
("The daycare kids leave meanwhile Craig is still playing.")
Kelsey Hey! Hey, no wandering off! Well, that was easy.
Jessica Craig, these kids are too old for pooky-pooky! Some of us can count to 100!
Craig Well, what do you think we should play?
Jessica Simon Says! Simon says sit down!.
Nathan [ Laughs ]
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris sit down!
Kadesha Yay!
("The daycare kids all sit down.")
Jessica Simon says stand up!
Nathan [ Laughs ]
Lil' Chris [ Grunts ]
Jessica Simon says spin around!
Nathan Whee!
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris is spinning!
Nathan Whee!
Kadesha [ Laughing ]
("Nathan's booger sticks on Kadesha's face.")
Kadesha Ah! Nathan's booger!
Nathan No, I didn't, I didn't!
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris about to booger you, big boy!
JP Uh, Craig, do something!
Craig Uh, stop crying! Stop whining!
Jessica Simon says freeze!
("Everyone in the daycare freezes.")
Jessica Okay, now stand on one foot!
Lil' Chris Heh, Lil' Chris ain't move!
Jessica Simon Says always works, Craig.
Craig You know what always works is snack time. Choco-Rolls!
Craig One for you, and one for you, and one for you.
Nathan My mom never lets me have Choco-Rolls.
Lil' Chris Yeah!
Daycare Kids Yeah, yeah.
Jessica Craig, you can't give us Choco-Rolls before nap time. They'll make us go koo-koo crazy!
Lil' Chris [ Grunts, spits ] [ Eats noisily ] [ Growling ]
Craig Please. I think I would know what would make you go koo-koo crazy -- oh, my gosh!
JP Aah! He's trying to beat me from the inside!
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris about to pull you inside out!
JP Agh! Kelsey, save me!
Kelsey Aah!
Craig Oh! Snack time's over.
("Craig puts the Choco-Rolls in his purse.")
Craig Okay, it's time for something relaxing. Story time with Kelsey.
Kelsey Today, I'll be reading from my first novel -- "Robyn and the Snow Sword."
Daycare Kids Ooh!
Kadesha What's that?
Kelsey It's a harrowing tale of a young knight and her trusted blade. We begin at chapter one --
Kadesha Ooh, ooh, ooh! Um, when, um, when my mom -- I mean, you said it's a snow and you said it's a -- it's a sword story, I was thinking, um...what's Robyn?
Kelsey Uh, I...
JP Yeah, Kelsey, like, who is the Robyn behind the sword? Also, where's Nathan and Lil' Chris?
Jessica [ Gasps ] One, two, three, eyes on me!
Nathan and Lil' Chris One and two, eyes on you!
Craig [ Sighs ] These kids won't pay attention to anything.
Jessica At my school, my teacher helps us make up our own stories for story time. I'll start and you guys add to it.
Jessica Once upon a time, there was a butterfly, who lived in the city. What was her name?
Kadesha Ooh, ooh, ooh! Robyn Snow Sword?
Jessica Sure! And what did Robyn the butterfly snow sword like to do?
Lil' Chris Can she pound?
Jessica That seems a little violent, but sure!
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris likes this butterfly!
Kelsey Wow, Jessica's really got a handle on things.
JP Yeah, it's like she's a better babysitter than you, Craig! Which could be embarrassing, because, ya know, you're the big brother, but good thing you don't feel weird about it or anything.
Craig Okay, how about some grass sledding?
Kelsey But we told Angel we'd stay here.
Craig Like you said, Jessica can handle this.
Craig Jessica, we're gonna go play. You're in charge.
Jessica Don't worry, I've got this. I am a big kid.
Nathan You're so amazing, Jessica. We love you way more than pooky-pooky!
("Craig leaves in anger.")
Jessica Whew, now I'm feelin' sleepy. But I'm not falling asleep, mnh-mnh! 'Cause I'm a big...kid. [ Snoring ]
("Jessica falls asleep.")
("Gurpreet wakes up and throws the blanket away.")
Kadesha Gurpreet, where you goin'?
Nathan Hey, wait for me!
Lil' Chris Hey! Ain't no one go no where without Lil' Chris!
Craig Jessica! Jessica! Where are the kids?
Jessica What do you mean? They're right over...They're gone! I put them down for nap time, and then accidentally put myself down for nap time!
Craig How could you do that?
Kelsey Well, you were the one who left her in charge!
Craig We gotta find them, fast!
JP All of them?
Craig Yes, all of them. Let's split up. They couldn't have gotten far on their tiny legs!
Craig and Jessica [ Panting ]
Craig Uh, where are they?
Jessica Ah! I'm sorry for falling asleep! I'm sorry for losing everyone! I thought I was a big kid, but I'm not.
Craig No, it's my fault. I should've stayed and helped. I was just jealous. I thought being a big brother was easy, but it's only easy because I have a super-capable little sister.
("Jessica smiles.")
Nathan [ Snorts ]
Jessica That's Nathan's boogery nose.
Craig and Jessica [ Panting ]
Craig Stop! That's Poison ivy! Oh, no!
Nathan [ Snorts ]
Craig We gotta get them outta there! Okay, little babies, I don't wanna scare you, but you're surrounded by deadly plants!
Daycare Kids [ Screaming ]
Jessica Simon says freeze! Simon says don't touch anything!
("Nathan freezes.")
Jessica How are we gonna save them, Craig?
Craig If there's a way in, there's a way out. Activate map brain.
Craig Jessica, I need your powers of Simon says to get them onto that log. If we can do that, we might have a chance of rescuing them.
Jessica There's one problem Craig, you didn't say Simon says.
Craig [ Sighs ] Jessica, please, this is a crisis.
Jessica Fine!
Jessica Simon says hop on a log and bark like a dog!
("The Daycare Kids jump on the log and start barking.")
Craig Why bark like a dog?
Jessica It's still supposed to be fun, Craig. Simon says jump on the rock!
("Nathan jumps on a rock.")
Jessica Simon says one more jump!
Craig Jessica, you have to keep going! Lil' Chris is still in there!
Jessica Simon says my throat hurts from yelling.
Lil' Chris [ Whining ]
Craig What are we gonna do?
JP Oh, hey, Craig! Oh, thank goodness, you found the kids. And I saw some rocks in the creek, and I thought that -- Aah!
("Lil' Chris starts pounding JP.")
Jessica Oh, no! What about Gurpreet?
Craig How the...
("Cuts at the Creek Daycare.")
Angel I hope these kids didn't give you too much trouble! Of course, I know widdle Cwis didn't.
Lil' Chris Lil' Chris picked this flower for you.
Angel Oh, aren't you the sweetest!
JP What!
Angel Thanks for watching them for me, Craig.
Craig Oh, don't thank me. I left to go grass sledding I left to go grass sledding and all the kids wandered off unsupervised.
Angel What?
Craig But don't worry. Jessica kept them from falling into deadly poison ivy patch. My sister is actually a pretty big kid.
Jessica [ Laughs ]
Angel Please leave and never come back.

ve Episode transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 "Itch To Explore" • "You're It" • "Jessica Goes to the Creek" • "The Final Book" • "Too Many Treasures" • "Wildernessa" • "Sunday Clothes" • "Escape from Family Dinner" • "Monster in the Garden" • "The Curse" • "Dog Decider" • "Bring Out Your Beast" • "Lost in the Sewers" • "The Future is Cardboard" • "The Brood" • "Under the Overpass" • "The Invitation" • "Vulture's Nest" • "Kelsey Quest" • "JPony" • "Ace of Squares" • "Doorway to Helen" • "The Last Kid in the Creek" • "The Climb" • "Big Pinchy" • "The Kid from 3030" • "Power Punchers" • "Creek Cart Racers" • "Secret Book Club" • "Jextra Perrestrial" • "The Takeout Mission" • "Dinner at the Creek" • "Jessica's Trail" • "Bug City" • "Deep Creek Salvage" • "The Shortcut" • "Dibs Court" • "The Great Fossil Rush" • "The Mystery of the Timekeeper" • "Alone Quest"
Season 2 "Memories of Bobby" • "Jacob of the Creek" • "Return of the Honeysuckle Rangers" • "Kelsey the Elder" • "Sour Candy Trials" • "Fort Williams" • "The Other Side" • "Summer Wish" • "Turning the Tables" • "Kelsey the Author" • "Council of the Creek" • "Sparkle Cadet" • "Cousin of the Creek" • "Camper on the Run" • "Stink Bomb" • "Evolution of Craig" • "The Haunted Dollhouse" • "Craig and the Kid's Table" • "Creek Daycare" • "Sugar Smugglers" • "Sleepover at JP's" • "Tea Timers' Ball" • "The Cardboard Identity" • "Ancients of the Creek" • "Mortimor to the Rescue" • "Secret in a Bottle" • "Trading Day" • "Crisis at Elder Rock" • "Kelsey the Worthy" • "The End Was Here" • "In the Key of the Creek" • "The Children of the Dog" • "Jessica Shorts" • "Ferret Quest" • "Into the Overpast" • "The Time Capsule" • "Beyond the Rapids" • "The Jinxening"
Season 3 "The Other Side: The Tournament" • "The Ground Is Lava!" • "Council of the Creek: Operation Hive-Mind" • "The Bike Thief" • "Craig of the Beach" • "Plush Kingdom" • "The Ice Pop Trio: Creek Street" • "Pencil Break Mania" • "The Last Game of Summer" • "Trick or Creek" • "Fall Anthology" • "Afterschool Snackdown" • "Creature Feature" • "King of Camping" • "The Rise and Fall of the Green Poncho" • "I Don't Need a Hat" • "Alternate Creekiverse" • "Snow Day" • "Winter Break" • "Snow Place Like Home" • "Breaking the Ice" • "Winter Creeklympics" • "Welcome to Creek Street" • "Fan or Foe" • "The New Jersey" • "The Sunflower" • "Craig World"
Shorts "Craig of the Car" • "How Was Your Day?" • "The Williams Family Opening Theme Song" • "How to Map the Creek" • "Creek Kid Rap"